I typed moon over Montreal to get an idea of where I could stand in order to paint a scene of the moon hanging over Montreal. Standing downtown, it would appear to rise around the Mercier bridge south west, and move across the west part of the sky, setting about north west. In NDG, it rises from somewhere around the Decarie, moves over Somerled roughly parallel, over our Condo, then descends around the auto shop. In doing a google image search for moon over Montreal, another Montreal artist Darlene Young popped up in the search she did a painting of the moon over a snowy Montreal street at night which was a rather impressive feat and I looked into trying to buy the painting. In my painting, the moon was over the old bank (our condo is just on the right side), and I am standing under the Metro grocery store overhang (the L shaped thing in the top left). For the most part this was a test of my ability to paint with the gauntlet-mitts on... I was able to complete the set up, painting, and packing up without taking them off, although I dropped the palette once. Still no need to use salt in the water which is nice.
Moon over Metro, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, November 2024