
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Ho Hum Bird and other abstracts

If you check out the bottom of my blog on Botswana, I posted the first version of the Botswana painting which was in my pile. I just finished catching up on the catalogue for this year's paintings and found a few other interesting ones like Ho Hum Bird. Like a humming bird, but bored!

Ho Hum Bird 3.5 x 5.5" cold press, watercolour, March 2021 (No. 2613b)


Last year I abandoned my favorite red paint alizarin crimson (PR83) because it fades in the sunlight. In this painting I recreated the memories of it using a variety of quinacridone and pyrol reds. I also threw in some ultramarine for old times sake, I have a pan of PB29 from Stoneground paint company.

Memories of Alizarin 5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, April 2021 (No. 2591b)


With ultramarine blue it is easy to paint underwater scenes. The name was inspired by the name glory of the snow, the little blue flowers. I was actually trying to work out which type of blue would be best to paint the flowers next time I get a sunny day.

Glorious Blue  5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, April 2021 (No. 2592b)

 And for dessert...

Chocolate Sparkle 1.5 x 5" cold press, watercolour, March 2021 (No. 2610b)

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