
Friday, July 16, 2021

Maisonneuve Bike Path, Hampton Garden

Somebody planted a garden next to the bike path about half way between Loyola Campus and Vendome Station. I stopped to make a painting of the scene standing across the street on the corner of Maisonneuve and Hampton. There were tiger lilies, hostas, and hand painted signs attached to the fence. To capture the rich greens of the tiger lilies I used phthalo green yellow shade (PG36) with isoindo yellow (PY110), and variations of brown and green with perylene green (PBk31) and burnt sienna (PR101). Recently I put the incredible pyrrole orange (PO73) back on the palette which came in handy for the tiger lilies.

Hampton Garden, Maisonneuve Bike Path, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2021 (No. 2754)

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