
Monday, June 20, 2022

Cultural Center Perspective


The cultural center has quickly become the hub of our neighborhood. It is a meeting place, a learning place, an entertainment place. It was completed shortly after Cilei moved in with me, so just in time! Since then we have enjoyed the books, the music, the movies, the art displays and the live shows. I have also made a number of paintings of the facade, which has an abstract pattern and bright colours. It was how I figured out how to paint periwinkle! In this scene, the glossy red bricks are seen at an oblique angle to the sun, which creates a bleached effect. To capture the perspective I hold the brush out in front of me and match the angle, then move the brush to the paper to guide the main lines.

Cultural Center Perspective, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2022 (No. 3149)

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