
Friday, November 4, 2022

Sports Dome Behind the Field

 In this painting you can see the Concordia University winter sports dome in the background, and on the left a tiny sliver of the Perform Center. The foreground contains the field where I have done many painting, the famous table and chairs are visible at the bottom right. I painted the bacground and foreground first, then added the trees and shrubs over top. The tree mixture was something new I was trying, it was a combination of green umber (PBr7) with benzi orange (PO62), and carbon black for shadows. It made a nice orange pekoe tea colour which represents the low winter sun illuminating the tree bark. Another reason I make so many paintings here is that it is nearby the Snowdon Bakery where I often go to buy bread and a sandwich for lunch.

Sports Dome Behind the Field, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, November 2022 (No. 3280)

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