
Thursday, June 8, 2023

Shrubs near Train Crossing


Down by the train tracks there is a small park called Coffee Park, great name, its just a strip of land with some play park, benches, trees, and a small basketball court. I've painted Coffee park and this train crossing many times before. Today I combined some of the flowering shrubs at the corner of the park with the train crossing elements and of course, the garbage pail in the foreground that practically counts as my signature. Each element is embellished with its own colour scheme and brush technique. The style of this painting is somewhere between Dutch impressionist painter Van Gogh and Canadian folk painter Maud Lewis. Maud Lewis's paintings have been in the news lately due to their high value, she sold them for mere dollars decades ago and now they are worth tens of thousands each. They are also easy to forge and that has dampened the market a little. I wonder if people will ever forge my paintings... it may be a little harder with watercolour paints! Not to mention, just about every painting I made is catalogued and most of them on this blog. Back in the old days records were scant, which make opportunities for the fakers.

Shrubs near Train Crossing, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2023 (No. 3469)

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