
Saturday, September 2, 2023

Flowers near Sidewalk

I rode my bike past this hospital, st Mary's, hundreds of times because its on the north bike path that connects to Mile End and Plateau. Yet, I have never had the occasion to make a painting in the area until yesterday. In the background is the hospital, a towering brick edifice with gothic elements, in the foreground is a nicely landscaped circular flower garden with a small blue pine tree at its center. The flowers were red-orange around the edge, and magenta in the middle. The sidewalk and my initials were all done in monochrome black and white with a slight yellow tint where the sun was shining on the concrete. For interest I varied the effects on the font lawn giving it a textural, almost abstract appearance. 

Flowers near Sidewalk, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September 2023 (No. 3536b)

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