
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Vendome metro interior stained glass


With 20 minutes to wait for the bus, I made this painting of the stained glass display inside of Vendome metro station. On the left is the turnstile with windows in the distance, on the right is the brightly lit red, orange and yellow-orange stained glass windows set on a dramatic angle. A pipe-sculpture hangs near the window, in its entirety the sculpture has the look of a DNA helix. With an information screen nearby I could see the time, it took about 14 minutes before the bus arrived early and I went out. Someone asked me here I got the art supplies and I said Avenue des Arts in Westmount. This painting, and the other one of people walking up Guy street both take advantage of colour contrast. When you compose bright colours next to dull greyish colours, it makes the bright colours really pop. In this case, Vendome is mostly cold, exposed concrete with metallic finishes, so the delicate stained glass really pops out. That was no doubt the intention of the architect. The overhanging light boxes had bright blue signage which would have made a nice contrast if there had been a few more minutes.

Vendome metro interior stained glass, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2024 (No. 3748b)

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