
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Blood Orange Sunset over Autoshop

As the sun set, it became cool enough to enjoy doing a quick painting, until the mosquitos had the exact same idea. Well, they were after the painter not the painting! Hence the name of the painting, blood orange sunset, with the blood being my blood and the orange being the colour of my hair back in the day. At any rate, the painting turned out all right considering that it was done in quite a hurry to avoid the pesky insects. The sky is a blend of orange (PO62), magenta (PR122) and blue (PB15) and some red-orange (PO73). To make things appear to glow, it is important to set them against a greyish and dull surrounding, for example the brick colour really sets off the sky, and the grey building gives those fluorescent lamps their ethereal glow.

Blood Orange Sunset over Autoshop, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, June 2024 (No. 3796a)

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