
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Scenes from Jacques Cartier Bridge

Riding through downtown and turning south on Peel brings you to the peel basin and Farine Five Roses area of Montreal. At the end of st Helen island is Park Jean Drapeau and the La Ronde amusement park. In the painting, you see one of the old structures that holds up part of the Cartier bridge, with the curving off ramp that goes to the amusement park. I am standing down in the parking lot next to my bike of course, looking up at the strange scene. The key to the painting was getting the pale yellow washes correct...the structure has a nice yellow ochre brick that was in shadow. I mixed yellow ochre (PY43) and some indo blue (PB60) and maybe some green (PG7). Its a tough colour to get right, luckily it dried perfectly on the first try no need for fussing about.

Cartier Bridge Structure, watercolour 8 x 10" 80lb, June 2024 (No. 3874)

I had fun with this painting, its a scene of Cartier bridge from st Helen island looking north. There are lots of different shapes and colours in the massive structure. On the way out yesterday morning I picked up some quinacridone red (PR209) from Winsor and Newton at Avenue des Arts. You can see it on the bottom right quadrant in in my initials.

Cartier Bridge study, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, June 2024 (No. 3774b)


From this vantage point you can see Molson Brewery under the Bridge, actually its across the river. Apparently there is a plan to demolish it and move the factory to the other side of the river. In the background you can see Mount Royal. For technique I let the paint mix and blend here and there, which created a dreamy like atmosphere.

Molson Brewery under the Bridge, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, June 2024 (No. 3776)

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