
Friday, June 28, 2024

World Inspired Landscapes: New Zealand

The thing that strikes you about New Zealand is just how varied the landscape is for such a relatively small country. Snowy mountains, boreal forest, grasslands, rivers, rocky volcanic mountains, lush tropical jungle, it has a little bit of everything. Perhaps that is one of the reasons so many movies are made in New Zealand, its landscape can be a stand in for any location including fantasy worlds. One thing missing from the painting are the sheep, since apparently there are dozens of sheep for every one person in New Zealand. Like most of the islands in this region of the world, it was and still is populated by indigenous people who reached the land thousands of years ago by boat. In the geological record scientists could determine from fossils that humans arrived, it coincided with a sharp decline in certain endemic animals that were defenseless against those crafty humans. It would be a neat place to visit, although it is quite a plane ride from Canada. 

World Inspired Landscapes: New Zealand, watercolour 9 x 6" watercolour paper, June 2024 (No. 3853)

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