
Monday, July 22, 2024

Downtown Montreal panoramas

There was a nice bench with shade, and this was the view! It didn't seem like much of a scene but once I got into it, the composition started to come together. The low sun was casting long shadows and creating streaks of light across the road. The buildings were stacked and overlapped in an interesting manner. On the left is a large hotel, on the right is the old train station.

View down Peel south, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024

Painting a large facade like this in not easy especially when you consider how small this paper format really is, about the size of a postcard. I moved up to the end of the building and got an angle looking to the east. There were a few benches around here and I could sit and paint. The painting starts with a dilute outline then its a matter of filling in the colour blocks and applying textures without fussing about too much. I will be blogging about the Bolton trip to visit my parents, there were a lot of paintings done and it was a great time overall.

Centre Bell, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024

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