
Monday, July 1, 2024

Lab Book # 25 Painting the Phone Book (Doodle Machine)


Now that Lab Book # 25 is complete I've brought it home temporarily to make a few doodle paintings, although I already made a Lab Book #25 painting earlier last year. The current painting is titled 'Painting the Phone Book" in reference to a saying about an actor with a good voice, you might say 'I could listen to them read the phone book', meaning it doesn't matter what they say you just like the sound of their voice. These doodle paintings are kind of like that, its just a fun thing where I get to paint whatever I want ont he paper. The outline for this one was done in graphite grey (PBk11) a pigment that is created from graphite and used in watercolour. The rest of the colour scheme is yellow (PY184), raw sienna (PY43) and touches of magenta (PR122), purple (PV23), dark magenta (PV19), and some blue (PB15). Throughout the painting there are various creatures showing a variety of emotions, and a few familiar motifs like the flowers in bubbles and yellow emoticon faces.

Lab Book # 25 Painting the Phone Book (Doodle Machine) watercolour 22 x 30" cold press, June 2024

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