
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Walk in Bolton part 1

North hill Bolton is basically a large subdivision with a high school and elementary school in the middle. This scene is the sidewalk on Kingsview drive heading to the high school, the wildflowers on the left lead down into the valley and forest.

Sidewalk Kingsview drive, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


For years and years I walked down this path to attend school, it curves around the edge of the valley and emerges on Kingsview drive. Some interesting flowering vines were growing on the fences, and much of the greenery was quite lush after all the rain. 

Walking path, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


A manicured walking trail snakes through the forest roughly following the contours of the river down below. Looking down the ridge line gave a bird's-eye view of the river. To create the image of the river, it had to be kept at a high value, almost white. Then, the foliage and trees were added to create the illusion of depth. By varying the size and position of the tree trunks, the downward view came to life.

River in Forest, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


After walking up a steep hill, the path turned out into an open field with a small pond. There were a lot of birds, insects and the path was mostly overgrown. It was getting to be very hot and humid by this time of day, so I made this painting while still standing under a shady tree.

Path into open field, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, July 2024


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