
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lighthouse, twisted old dock, breakwater near beach

This is one of the many lighthouses kept up by parks Canada, and featured in a lot of travel brochures. You could not visit the inside of it, or go play with the light or anything, but it was well photographed (and painted). The pale cream shingles looked purple on the shadow side. Surrounding it, was the rugged peninsula at the end of the beach, strewn with old beams and new grassy growths.

Lighthouse North Rustico, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024


This dock looks laser beam straight from this vantage point, but off to the left it was twisted up like a pretzel. Built like a fortress, the whole thing was still standing but not in use apparently. Since it was low tide, people were parking around here, you can see tire tracks in the sand in amongst the kelp. If you forgot your car was here for awhile the tide would eventually come in.

Sturdy, twisty docks, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024 

Standing at the end of the beach, there was a view of an iron breakwater and long row of charcoal-coloured rocks. Presumably it was all there to protect the fishing town area to the right, and the parking lot on the other side of these rocks. Since the sun was almost down, the iron part in the distance was a bright red-orange.

Breakwater structures, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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