
Saturday, August 3, 2024

River sailboats and lighthouse


Taking a cooler route today along the bike path going west along the shore line, I made a few paintings in the nice breeze. The sailors were also out taking advantage of favorable conditions. It was very hot and humid today, the paint was nearly the consistency of honey making the palette a bit of a goopy mess! The river colour is indo blue (PB60) with a dab of green (PG36) and yellow paint (PY97) to neutralize it.

Sailboat on st Lawrence river, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024


This was the first one I made on the trip, you can see the pigmentation was heavier due to the paint consistency. Its the opposite problem that I have in the winter when its 15 below, the paint is rock hard. I made some adjustments based on this painting, although I kind of like the result, it looks very 19th century.

Sailboats on st Lawrence river, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024


Here is a classic view of the lighthouse near Lachine, it was completely surrounded in construction, I guess they are going to lay down interlocking bricks and asphalt. Nature has no place in Montreal! Its actually amazing how much concrete there is around here, the little harbor is surrounded in great slabs and mounds of the stuff. This kind of painting would be a good practice piece for anyone trying to learn watercolour. It's not that difficult, but does contain a wide variety of tricks. Maybe if I get into writing books one day I can do an instruction one. 

Lighthouse near Lachine, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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