
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Sundown in NDG

On what used to be a large grassy field they built an extremely large block of condos with a grocery store at street level, filling in the plot to the edges of the sidewalk. Just a few decorative trees were planted around the behemoth. I was riding my bike around NDG looking for some scenes to paint before the sun went down and found this impressive view of the condo block with the sun just behind it, low in the sky.

Sundown on Cote st Luc, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

I stopped up in the Decarie Square parking lot were I made a painting from a similar spot in the spring melt, during the pandemic. Its not a spot I go to paint very often, but it does provide some wide angles and very dense urban landscapes. On the right is the Decarie, with the ever-present traffic zooming through an underpass. The sun was slowly getting obscured from the clouds, by the time I finished this painting it was totally overcast. Luckily, I caught a good sunset illuminating an apartment block on Walkley street on the way home.  

Sundown at Decarie Square, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, August  2024

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