
Friday, September 6, 2024

Catching the sunset after work


As the days get shorter so does it get harder to go out after work and paint in the daylight. At some point it will be dark at 5pm or earlier the closer we get to winter. In this scene the sunset has occurred and the clouds are reflecting the pale salmon-peach colour that can be made with dilute orange PO62 and red-orange PO73. Getting the exact shade right is tricky, and it has a slight yellow-orange tint at the top of the cloud but its subtle. The rest of the sky has pastel violet, blue and cyan.

Phone tower with sunset, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September 2024


Standing on the pedestrian overpass, there are views of the train tracks and the downtown city skyline. The sky was a simple peach and blue, with dark blue and green buildings. The buildings dried a bit darker than I thought they would, usually indo blue dried a shade lighter but its difficult to predict all the time.

Tracks with downtown view, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September 2024


And here is the same location but looking towards the west, with the apartments on the top of the escarpment and a candy-coloured sky. The train went by but it was too late for me to try and work it into the painting.

Apartments and tracks, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September 2024


At the moment of sunset the sky glowed orange. In the foreground is a vacant lot on st Jacques with an old billboard. I often think about buying this lot, removing the asphalt and restoring it into a forest but it would probably cost a fortune and everyone would think I'm nuts. Its one of my life dreams, to turn a parking lot back into a forest somewhere.

Orange sky vacant lot, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September 2024

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