
Monday, September 2, 2024

Final paintings of the "summer' ... almost

Technically summer season ends September 21st, but labour day marks the end of the practical summer for us working folks. Yes tomorrow the students are going to swarm the campus once more and professor D will be in front of the classroom droning on about pharmacology and physiology. SO lets talk about art. This painting is the classic Beaver Lake up on Mount Royal, although the complete lack of beavers makes it more of a pond encased in cement would be more accurate. There were fish and plants in it though. You cant go wrong with the composition here, the infinite curvature of the pond and abundant people give an almost musical composition. 

Pond curves, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024


You might think this was a leftover painting from PEI, but I paitned it today up in Beaver Lake, or concrete pond as I like to call it. The birds were some kind of heron-pelican looking sort, with one seagull hanging out. In the foreground, you can see down into the water where the bottom had a caramel colour and shards of light coming through the ripples, with tall water plants growing. The idea was to capture, the boats, the birds, and the sparkling transparent water along with the dock. A lot of people stopped to look.

Birds on dock in pond, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024 

On the way up I stopped to make this painting of Montreal through the trees, a scene I have eyed many times but never thought of a way to paint it. Today I started with the pale background scene of downtown Montreal, then over-painted the trees and foliage. If I try this again I would paint the trees and foliage first, then leave space for the downtown to show through.

Montreal through the trees, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024

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