
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Just one painting....geese on dock

Just one painting today... geese on dock. As you can see there are geese on the dock. Most of them were either preening or swimming, so it is basically a goose beach. The weather is so nice that they are hanging out a bit longer in Montreal before migrating south. To paint this scene, I established the perspective on the dock and canal in the background then painted the outlines of the geese. Using raw sienna and burnt umber with carbon black, I created the typical beige black and white of the geese. It was really hot, the sun was beaming through the hazy atmosphere. And for the number of paintings today I was just joking, I actually set a personal record with seventeen paintings today!

Geese on dock, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024

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