
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lightness on Jolicoeur street, Dépanneur Freesia

After years of riding my bike around Montreal its not often that I get lost, but today to be honest I got turned around somewhere after going under the A15 along Angers street. In retrospect it was Cote st Paul, a small neighborhood wedged between the highway, the canal and the aqueduct. Eventually the canal became visible with the mega hospital on the horizon and I was found again. On the way, this corner Dépanneur stood out, it had greyish plaster walls, a colourful sign, and warm amber light coming from the front door. It was reminiscent of Darkness on Ontario Street, but in the inverse. This could have been Lightness on Jolicoeur street, and Jolicoeur roughly translates into happy heart. Most people were going in to get smokes, alcohol and chips, so not sure how happy the hearts were, but it definitely was a community hub here. For proximity, this is very close to Monk street. Luckily the rain held off and I could produce another 14 paintings today after doing the same number yesterday. With more time, I used a larger format of 6 x 7.5" and a few of 8 x 10".

Lightness on Jolicoeur street Dépanneur Freesia, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September  2024

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