
Monday, September 2, 2024

Old and new structures

In the area around de la Savane metro, nestled between the Decarie expressway and autoroute 40, there was an old industrial/residential area that has been rapidly converted into massive condo developments. In among the towering skyscrapers, there is a stretch of road with an old fashioned auto shop. When I rode by, it was one of the scenes where I just slammed in the brakes, set up and started painting. On the left is a yellow oachre-brick and brown siding building with an emerald green awning adorned with gold lettering. On the right, a dilapidated plaster alley way covered in rusted pipes and tubes, with an old fashioned stone facade circa 1960's or 1970's. Its a wonder this isn't a condo development, but maybe its zoned industrial. I hope the city keeps spots like this, not for an artist's sake but it gives jobs and services to the community.

Old fashioned auto shop, watercolour 8 x 10" cold press, September  2024


This is the same building but viewed from the rear, where there is a medium sized soccer field in the foreground, and an array of new condos in the background. Seeing the old building sandwiched between these elements was kind of neat. Funny enough, there was hardly a person in sight anywhere despite the thousands of condo units everywhere.

Old and new buildings, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024


Changing neighborhoods, this is the Mile End, you see the iconic rusty water tower on top of the disused factory. In the middle is the new garden they built next to the off ramp, and some sumac trees in the foreground. The sumac was done with a mix of greens, then over-painted with red (PR179 + PR109), using a flat brushstroke. That's where the brush is applied on its side, taking advantage of the fact that brushes are pointed you can make that shape pretty easily.

 Factory and sumac trees, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024


Here is my interpretation of the unofficial iron sculpture park where one or more of the local artisans anonymously install these interesting works. Okay, I may have installed my initials too, if you look closely!

Iron sculpture park, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, September  2024

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