
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sundown on another (tree)


In the first weeks of the COVID19 pandemic I made a 'socially distanced' painting of a tree at nearby Loyola Park, towards the end of winter. I was sitting next to the central building in a small tripod chair as I used to do, and then a lady and a child walked up and started talking to me! So much for the distancing. Today I returned to the same spot on the ride home and caught the scene as the sun was starting to go down. Sadly this tree looks as if its seen better days, the branches and leaves looked kind of sick, although there was no orange line on it which indicates that it will be removed. So it may be sundown on another tree if this one gets cut down. The phrase is also a reference to a painting I did last Friday showing the setting sun through a tree down by the canal. Today's painting was much easier, I painted the sun and sky first using concentric rings of wet-in-wet paint, then worked on the foreground as it dried, finishing with the tree and textural elements.

Sundown on another (tree), watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024

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