
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Tall, taller and tallest

Last week I attempted this scene along the way, but the scale was not quite right even if the painting was dramatic. In this version, the scale is nearly perfect, I held up the paper to the scene, moved it away quickly, repeated a few times and it looked right. The left building is incredibly thin from this angle, while the right one is wide. I also got the connecting tunnel in this time. Too bad the building on the right looks like its leaning a bit and the paint is a bit heavy. 

Tall taller tallest v3, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


This was the first attempt on it, well second if I include last week. The finish on it is nice, the colours I mean, but when I held it up to the scene the scale of the building was about 30 or 40% too short. Its almost incomprehensible how tall this structure looks. Across the three paintings its all there, so now its a question of do I go back for another attempt? Its right along the maisonneuve bike path at Place des Arts. Now that I understand the scene better, maybe I will give it another go. It feels like it could be a real classic, the stark contrast of the tiny little triplexes with the massive super condos in the background.  

Tall taller tallest v2, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024

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