
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Views from around the lock, Lachine canal

Water was cascading under the bridge next to the lock. Its the overflow water that prevents the lock from getting inundated. I've eyed this scene before and tried it a few times without success. Today I took another approach, looking over the fence I first established the outline of the bridge and walls, then painted the blue/grey shadow. After it dried a bit I used side brush technique and dabbing to get the multi-textured water and bricks. It took patience and time to build up the effect, and there was no room for error. You can see all the different light sources and how the shadow is formed over the water, and the cascade shows up had three different colours due to reflected blue skylight. You can also see a shadow of me in the bottom right wearing my boonie hat, and my initials floating down the cascade!

Water cascading under bridge, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


Here is the same water as seen from the other side, looking down past a red tree. Yes, a red tree already, fall is coming despite the hot weather. This painting looked lousy until I saw it at home, then the visuals came together, it sort of reminds me of a group of seven painting.

Water ripples red tree, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


Standing up on the lock platform, which is accessible to bikes and pedestrians, I made a painting of the view down the canal looking east towards downtown. The sky was very smoggy, even though it was like noon, the horizon had a pale orange glow. Maybe this is what it looked like when the factories were still active.

Canal view from lock, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024




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