
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Immortal time, Infinite Ideas

I think the prospect of making up the title inspires me more sometimes than anything. I remember one painting, "The Crushing Delicate" I spent a whole week wondering if the title should have "The" or not. For this one, the title was already in the doodles... although it said 'immortal (art) time' in the notebook. I don't really know what the title means but it sounded poetic. In the bottom right there is a lego-scene depicting a funeral, it was based on my memories of a funeral I attended in early 2000's. I think that making an emotionally charged scene out of lego is my way of sharing a feeling but still keeping distance. And lego is just a fun kids toy, making it a sweet irony when emotions are depicted. Speaking of irony, the title "immortal time" is quite the opposite of the theme, a funeral. Hey, I'm just doing the art critic's job right now so I'll stop.

This is a pretty good example of me using similar techniques for landscapes and surrealist styles. I just posted a new painting (Theater Snowdon), where I explained how to paint a cloudy sky. I used the same technique here...laid down a moist wash, than dropped in the sky and cloud-shadows which bleed around and end up looking fuzzy. I used it in the top left behind the hydra-octopus-medussa thing. There is an incredibly small thing I am going to adjust in this painting to improve balance. I'll just not say what it is, so the aforementioned critics can have something to do when they see the original. Of course, there are no actual  critics (that I know of), I just imagine they are there in order to keep myself on my toes. Isn't that the beauty of the internet?

Of note, this is the fifth 22x30 painting I completed this year, most of any year so far.

22x30" cold press. 2012

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