
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Montreal Beach

How often does one visit the beach in Montreal? White sand, blue beach chairs, the smell of the water. It turns out that there actually is a beach, down in the old port area, they filled in a whole section with sand and put some chairs in there. Of course it isn't free to get in. The painting I did on location makes it look like the water is right at the edge of the sand but there is actually a rod iron fence and a 2 meter drop off to reach the water. In the background you can see the Molson Brewery.

The hardest thing to paint with watercolour is water. Ironic. After all these years I still feel completely challenged when trying to depict water. It has different colours, it reflects light, and worst of all it moves. In this painting I started with a sky blue layer, making sure to leave the white highlights.... you do this by dragging your brush sideways across the paper. Then I overlay a more purple-blue, but leaving little slices of the sky blue showing. This makes a wave-illusion because waves are three dimensional and reflect colour differently on each side. Finally I put on the greens and darker blues, in reality these are coming from the silt and deeper water below.When it is dry, I take one of my beat up old brushes and make it moist (not wet) and go over the area a few times really quickly. This makes things a little smooth and glassy. Cheers.

5x7" cold press. 2012

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