Tuesday, January 22, 2008

blockheads and bright ideas

This painting is called "blockheads and bright ideas" it was painted some time in 2000. The painting depicts a group of people on a conveyor going through a machine that only lets through the blockheads and small bulbs. One fellow sits on a chair watching the process, avoiding the fate of the bright bulb-heads. There is also a symbol on the ground depicting flamingos, which has nothing to do with the message, it was something I copied off a Frisbee disk.

The painting could have many meanings. My inspiration was from the field of science, where sometimes the bright ideas get crushed and only mundane (safe) ideas flourish. Note that before the machine, the postures are dynamic and the bright heads create dramatic light and shadow, where after the machine the postures are linear and the lighting contrast is dull. The entire painting was done in dry-brush technique except for some of the shadowing which was wet-wet application.


Blockheads and Bright Ideas, watercolour 11 x 14" hot press, 2001 (No. 1873)

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