I recently did a few new lab book paintings, this one, and Lab Book #10 which I will post soon, you can find it on the main website. Lab Book #11 is also in progress back at the studio. The new set of Lab Book paintings, starting with #8, actually come from small note pads I carry around at work. Usually at boring meetings and seminars I do my best doodling. So the number system does not refer to a particular lab book, just a series of paintings. In this edition, 'The End of Colour", a submarine explores the depths of the ocean sharing space with scary and beautiful sea creatures. On the surface there is a colouful sky and rippling waves. The title refers to the fact that at the bottom of the ocean there is not much colour... the artificial lights of the sub reveal what colour there is.
The painting was also named as it was because I was running out of paint and did not have certain colours available (virdian green). Viridian green is a very powerful green that looks like emeralds or green lolipop. To replace it, I used combinations of ultramarine blue and lemon or windsor yellow. This combination comes out a little more earthy looking, which suited the overall feel of this painting. I was also missing alizarin crimson, instead using permanent rose...it was used liberally in the sky. Not having the green and red mentioned above, I also could not make black, which again suited the scheme of this painting which was very pastel-like. It is a good idea to paint without one of your favorite colours now and then, you never know what you may learn.
cold press paper,
The End of Colour; Lab Book #9, watercolour 22 x 30", fall 2008 (No. 1998a)
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