Sunday, May 28, 2023

Some Remaining Spring colours


With Canadian spring in full swing, there were still some remaining colours from flowering trees and shrubs. I even saw some May flies down at the peninsula park near Lachine. In the early spring, these crab apple trees are a pleasant pink, which changes to dark red like you see here, and then become dark yellow-green for the rest of the summer. The grassy expanse was filled with white and wispy dandelions, with a few that were still yellow. Beyond the trees, is the st Lawrence river that goes into the marina, and Lachine on the distant horizon near where the lighthouse is located. The colour of the trees was a mix of magenta (PV19), scarlet red (PR175), and red (PR254). Dark green was dabbed on top (PBk31 with PV19). This is the first painting from my new 10 x 7" blocks, they are cold press by Fabriano, the same product as the 5 x 7" but a different dimension.

Crab Apple Trees, watercolour 10 x 7" cold press, May 2023 (No. 3610)

Less intense, were these pale purple lilacs bushes. To paint them I first established the purple colour, then over-painted with the olive green and darker textural elements. The lilac colour was made with bright magenta (PR122) and blue (PB15). A sliver of the river is seen, with Lachine on the other side. 

Lilacs and Path, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, May 2023 (No. 3462a)

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