Saturday, September 28, 2024

Early fall scenes around Ville st Henri


The city recently completed a bike and walking path through Ville st Henri than connects up with the metro station to the east. The path is partly on a concrete sidewalk, so the yellow paint looked different, it was an albino path instead of the usual asphalt colour. A brand new bus stop sat in the middle ground against a cityscape backdrop. To paint the skyscrapers its best to just make up the colours and patterns instead of trying to copy it exactly. The street running left to right at the bottom is Greene avenue.

Bus stop and albino path, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


Still on avenue Greene, this is a corner store called Dépanneur Royal, although it did not look to be very regal. Painting corner stores is not easy, in this case I composed the store mostly in the top left, leaving a large piece of road with shadow in the foreground. The cars got a little mangled in the process. Its an interesting composition, I may work on it a bit in the future. I did something similar to this, although with sky showing and a bigger piece of paper for version 5 of Dépanneur Diamond, which is just a vacant lot now.

Dépanneur Royal, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


Where Greene meets Notre Dame, there is a famous fast food joint, actually two of them including the Greenspot Restaurant known for its smoked meat and hot dogs, and the good old golden arches across the street. The smell of fast food was so intense that my cholesterol probably went up just breathing it in. I've painted this restaurant a few times before, although not from this angle which was quite nice. The roof is mostly phthalo green blue shade (PG7), with a touch of phthalo blue (PB15).

 Fast Food, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024


This is a social housing unit just across from the Atwater market. It was quite a contrast seeing well-to-do yuppies walking by going to get their lattes at the market while people from the building mulled about looking in garbages and trading cigarettes with each other. There I was in the middle of it painting the building. This is only half of the painting I wanted to do, there are some incredible poplar trees in the foreground that would have contrasted the glowing bricks, but as I got into painting the structure I realized that it would not be possible to overlay the tree. Next time.

Shiny brick building, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, September 2024




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