Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fruiterie Cite, Av Harley, NDG

If the last post was a blast from the past, then this post is a pleasant surprise from the present (or is it a pheasant from the present?). At any rate, there are a whopping 21 years between now and the 1998 Spain trip. I had scouted out a bunch of cool spots on Avenue Harley which is just south of the train tracks in NDG which included the auto mechanic painting that was posted earlier this month. This is a fruit and grocery store in the neighborhood that I go to all the time especially during the lunch hour if I don't have enough food with me in the office, it is only 5 minutes walking. The train crossing can be seen off to the left in the distance, surrounded by trees. I wanted to capture the feeling that this grocery store was sandwiched between the landscape, with a giant apartment building sitting on top and a bunch of roads, sidewalks, and trees surrounding it. The tree that pops up behind the sign (over the 'uite' ) was a bit of an accident, because I dripped water there accidentally and it destroyed the flat blue wash. With no way to fix it, I decided to turn it into a 'Vincent Van Gogh' tree- reminiscent of his cypress trees done around St. Remy. Most of the effort went into the store front and window interior, I tried to make it look as lively and colourful as possible. I was also very lucky a delivery truck didn't show up and obscure the whole view!

8 x 10"  hot press (block) watercolour. Sept. 2019

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