Sunday, September 22, 2019

Irun, Spain

Here is one of the paintings I did in Spain way back when in 1998! This was a scene from Irun, a town on the border of France and Spain where the trains go through. I was waiting for a train transfer at the time and must have found this scene while seated on the platform.
There were 157 of these small postcard-sized paintings from the trip, luckily I kept up a list of all of them and scanned the papers so its on file and I can double check the location. Most of them have the information on the back too. There is a Cathedral and some houses in the background. The wires crossing the sky were a nice touch. By the time I was heading back to Paris to catch my flight I had over 150 paintings under my belt and my confidence was at an all time high. There was no fear at all here- the painting tackles a train locomotive on train tracks with the electrical wires, a town-scape, and a cathedral in the background for good measure, all on a postcard sized paper! A lot of the paper went yellow with time, in particular the second half roughly, because I ran out of paper and had to buy some in Spain. Who knows how old it was when I bought it, but that paper may have already had 50 years on it or something! So the yellowish tone in this painting is from the paper stock.
5 x 7" cold press Watercolour, July 1998, painting #154

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