Tuesday, October 8, 2024

On my way back to the office...

Today I had to press on at the office so I went out to get a quick Poke Bowl for dinner, there is a new spot down the street across from Trenholme park. On the bottom right is the outdoor sign and chairs from the restaurant, and in the background are many trees of Trenholme park illuminated by the last light. The colour transition on the road is purple (PV55, PB60, touch of yellow ochre PY43), then blend to orange (PO62, touch of yellow ochre).

Trenholme trees last light, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, October 2024

When I turned around to put the painting away and head back to my office, I saw this scene, and thought what a shame to pass on it. The grant proposal isn't going to go anywhere, and its due in like two weeks anyways. I amped up the red brick mixes by combining burnt sienna (PR101/PBr7) with orange (PO62) and red-orange (PO73), and did the clouds with purple mixes lined with magenta (PR122). Maximizing contrasts was the key to creating a punchy colour scheme, and the composition was a nice L shape. You have to go for it on a painting like this, don't hold back or it will look bland.

Sunset clouds with apartments, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, October 2024


As I headed back to my office with my bike I was really impressed (distracted?) by this scene of the sun set, purple clouds, and the glowing red gas station underneath. For the sake of art I could not pass it up and did one last painting. It was so wet I had to carry it back while walking. Usually when trying to do a painting like this on location I tend to doubt myself, its going to be difficult, it will probably fail, I don't know how to do it... but this time I confidently realized how to do this scene and just did the painting. Considering how cold it was, and all the other factors its a difficult one to pull off. At any rate, I finally got back to the office and kept working, too bad you can't include paintings in a grant proposal.

Sunset clouds over gas station, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, October 2024

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