Thursday, January 30, 2025

Benny Park snow covered grounds

With better conditions today I could make a few paintings out at Benny park before the sun went down. This one shows the copse (group) of trees on the hillside and the neat shadow they made on the snow. The tree colour is mostly shadow green (PBk31) and carbon black (PBk6). The shadow is phthalo blue (PB15) with magenta (PR122) and a touch of the green and brown paints where its darker. I used the hatch-mark style on the sky to prevent the paint from blurring together with the pine trees.

Pine trees shadow on hill, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, January 2025

Looking towards the sports complex I captured the side of the building, some more trees, and the snow embankment with dry grass and milkweed plants poking through. The milkweeds were neat, but I did not notice them soon enough. Next time I will go there and try to feature the milk weeds more. To capture the brick colour I mixed burnt sienna deep (PBr7, from Da Vinci company) with dark magenta (PV55), and a touch of indo blue or shadow green. It looks perfect here, a deep rich maroon/burgandy colour. For years I tried to get that brick colour correct and it was always tough. I know the actual pigment in the bricks is PR101 dark, sometimes called caput mortum which I have a tube of, but its not something I keep on the palette. The paint also dries too dull, the bricks have some kind of coating that makes them bright.

Sports complex and trees in snow, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, January 2025 

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