Friday, June 12, 2020

Apple Eye, Shrimp in the Sky

Pastel shrimps flying through lilac clouds, psychedelic apple dude takes an evening walk with pet noodle dog. That was the original title of this painting (just kidding). This is actually a remake of a painting I did in 2008 called Apple Eye, Violet Sky, which was one of the doodleism paintings derived from Lab Book #10. I went through a phase of trying to remake some of my old favorites using a more open composition and better finish. It seems to have worked for the most part, but I always find that the original painting even with its flaws is better than the remake. Just like movies, the sequel is not as good as the original!

Naming paintings is quite fun. In some cases I think I know the title before even starting, like 'Four Elvises Hiking in a Mountain' which actually became 'Hiking Elvis'. In other cases I have no idea until its done, like 'Tourist Destiny' since I didn't even know what the painting would be until it was finished. I try to fit two words together in an interesting way, making it sound kind of like the name of a band, album, or song. Lucy in the Sky was an obvious inspiration here, while apple eye was just part of the name of the original painting from 2008. I already have in mind my next painting on large format, it will be called 'Saturation Costs' and will have some dramatic themes.

22 x30" cold press, watercolour, 2018

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