Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Bike Path Walkley

We are lucky to have some bike paths in NDG and I am glad to hear that the borough is planning to build more of them. They also kept the Walkley and a few other paths open all season which allows for a longer bike riding season although I have not ridden for a few weeks due to icy conditions. With above zero temperatures on the forecast for the next week I would expect the ice to melt and perhaps I would be able to get out for a ride. In the painting, I started with the angles on the side wall of the grocery store, careful to leave the rectangles free where the traffic light and walk symbol appear to be illuminated. It was a very mushy painting due to salty water and humid conditions, but I managed to eke out a decent scene. The sunset at the end of the street was a bit of embellishment. A few people stopped to watch, but I was just into the painting and it did not look like much, the lady said I have some talent!  

Bike Path Walkley, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, January 2024 (No. 3685a)

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