Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Way to Work

Funny story, I was heading over to the PERFORM Centre and stopped to make a quick painting along the way, when midway a group of people came down the adjacent path and one of them I recognized as the Vice President of the University with a group of potential philanthropists I found out later. I said hi to him and mentioned I was just taking a break and he said no problem nice painting. One of my students came out of the Centre and saw me painting, then I decided to wrap it up quickly and head in. On my way down the path, none other than the President of the University walks out of the Centre and down the path, and we said hello and I continued on my way. Its funny because when at work I sneak out to make paintings from time to time hoping not to be noticed by anyone, and today the whole brass was there. So the painting is a little more rushed than usual, I liked how the curve of the dome mirrored the curve of the path. Perhaps on a less conspicuous day I will try this one again.

Way to Work (sports dome), watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, January 2024 (No. 3684a)

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