Sunday, January 28, 2024

Metro Winter

Up and down Somerled the street and sidewalks were slushy and grey. The Metro grocery store was one of the few pops of warm colours, with orange-yellow interior lighting and pot lights under the snow-covered overhang. To accentuate the warm colours, I made the rest of the painting a pretty solid wall of grey and blue. Various sahdes and hues of grey adorned the facade, I managed to get them right on the first pass using combinations of purple (PB60 + PV55) yellow ochre (PY43) and black (PBk6). These mixtures look a lot darker when wet, so they have to applied a shade darker than you want them to appear in the finished painting. Judging the so called 'drying shift' takes quite a bit of experience and it is one of those things that makes watercolour a bit harder than other medias. Of course, I can hardly paint a line straight, and this composition had a lot of them, it ended up looking a little lop sided but I rotated the image and cropped to improve that aspect.

Metro Winter, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, January 2024 (No. 3682b)

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