Thursday, February 22, 2024

Bagel Alley Denizens

What would you expect to see in an alley next to a bagel store other than boisterous pigeons? On the right of the alley is Fairmount Bagel on Fairmont street, you can see the corner of the store with a stack of orange palettes they use to deliver bagels to various shops. The pigeons were going frantic perhaps some seeds or bread had made its way into the alley. I painted the general shape of the alley and the pigeons first before they took off, then filled in the rest of the painting. With warmer weather the ground was a mix of snow ice and water. I quite enjoy painting Mile End from time to time, today I just made a little detour to get there by bike. 

Bagel Alley Denizens, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2024 (No. 3698b)

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