Monday, February 19, 2024

Winter Sunset Loyola Park

There was a time when this kind of painting seemed impossible. At the end of the day, usually heading home from painting in London Ontario, the sun would set creating spectacular colours in the sky and landscape. Try as I might it never quite came out right. After studying the actual colour of sunsets and considerable practice, it became possible to paint sunsets to great effect even in the winter. There is not much room for error, in this example I lost the moisture control a little bit in the sky but it hardly shows. With powerful gusts of freezing winds blasting me, it was all I could do to hold onto the brush, paper and palette. Most people walking by probably wondered what the guy with all the winter gear on was doing painting on a day like today. When people do walk by I usually tilt the paper a little so they can see if just by a casual glance.

Winter Sunset Loyola Park, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2024 (No. 3698a)

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