Saturday, February 24, 2024

Chilly wind, Canal Bridge Top and Bottom

Gathering some courage I rode the bike out as far as possible which was the Lachine Canal train bridge that I have painted many times before. The sun was getting low, which created a washed out, subtle amber glow. Luckily the frozen ice effect dried enough for the metal fence overlay to be done on location. Somehow I managed to capture the highlight on the metal fence with an economy of brush strokes. Due to nasty cold wind this was a short painting trip today!

Canal Bridge Bottom, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2024 (No. 3700a)

This is a study of the top part of the bridge, the bridge colour is red ochre PR101 with perylene green (PBk31) and a touch of indo blue (PB60). The rust overlay is iron oxides (PY43, PR101) and some benzi (PO62) and pyrol (PO73) to punch it up. With so much salt in the water everything dries a little dull. I look forward to painting this scene in full when the weather improves. 

Canal Bridge Top, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2024 (No. 3701a)

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