Sunday, June 9, 2024

Trenholme park games before the rain

After making an attempt on this scene last week, I returned just before the rain hit and made a new version. This time I left the triangles as blank paper until the last step in order to get the chroma up to the right spot. The fence is a mix of indo blue (PB60), red ochre (PR101) and carbon black (PBk6). The main reason for stopping here was to assess the weather, since it called for thunderstorms.

Trenholme Park Games, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, June 2024 (No. 3783b)


There is a full sized gravel croquet pitch in Trenholme park although few people use it. At least it made for some good painting material today, as I waited out the weather situation. After doing this one I headed out for the Canal path, but had to turn back half way there with ominous clouds and cold wind. To do the gravel I started with a semi-moist application of a dark grey tinted with magenta, then dabbed in the shadows as it dried. Finishing with the yellow seed pods and green leaves and the croquet wickets completed the effect.

Croquet Pitch, watercolour 5 x 7" 80lb, June 2024 (No. 3784a)

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