Monday, May 24, 2021

Walk down Fielding Avenue

Fielding Avenue runs through the middle of NDG connecting the west to the east, it is mostly apartments, with a stretch of small shops starting at Walkley. This is a pizza shop on the corner, a bright red car was parked there for most of the time but it drove off towards the end. To get the red colour I used pyrrole red (PR254), it is literally the same pigment that was probably used to paint the car, you see how bright it appears. The bricks were mostly yellow ochre (PY43) with some other shades. Today I brought a small ruler with me and used it to get the lines straight, although it worked out okay it was difficult to use a ruler and paintbrush while standing up. I think it worked okay though. 

88 Pizza,  5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, May 2021 (No. 2650)


On the north side of fielding were some interesting shops backlit by the sun. A cyclist zoomed by, and a person came out of the shop as I did the painting. If I can catch it early enough in the painting during the outline phase then I can get the moving objects into the design. The ruler helped get all the lines straight and to map out some of the angles. Making the dark brown and greys for the buildings in shadow required indothrene blue (PB60) and various earth paints like burnt sienna (PR101/PBr7).

Fruit Rocky Montana, 5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, May 2021 (No. 2652)


As the sun was going down, the shadows got long and the atmosphere took on an orange-yellow tint. I liked the way the window was reflecting the light and the trees, and how the shadows cast across the side of the building. The other reason for trying this painting was to test out the ruler idea, it helped to make true the roof lines, corner of building, and some of the windows. The one window on the side I did not use the ruler ended up looking crooked. My goal is to keep the paintings loose, so I may use the ruler sparingly just to get the key components lined up. I will have to walk down fielding again when the sun is still pointing north, probably before 1 pm.

Marché Oasis 5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, May 2021 (No. 2651)

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