Saturday, February 15, 2025

Dépanneur under snow, so Montreal

In st Pierre there is a Dépanneur I ride by all the time on the way to and from the Canal but never stopped to paint. With all the piles of snow it seemed the perfect Montreal scene: a Dépanneur still open and people going in and out between the wind-swept drifts. There was so much snow I did not need to use the kick-stand on the bike, I could just jam it in a snow bank and paint. I warmed up a bit doing this painting and could take my time with it, completing most of the scene on location. I added the brick texture and darkened some of the shadows at home afterwards. People must have wondered what the guy was doing making a  painting on a day like this! To make the snow shadows I used a mixture of phthalo blue (PB15) with a touch of magenta (PR122), then blended with a watery brush. Its a delicate technique to pull off under the circumstances. When I think back to the Montreal winter, this painting will come to mind.

Dépanneur 7 jours, under snow, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, February 2025

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