Friday, February 21, 2025

Dome down, sun down

Heading across the street to the location of the downed sports dome, which collapsed last week under the immense amount of snow, I made a few painting for posterity. Its not often you get to paint on location, scenes of a downed dome in the winter with a pink and orange sunset in the background. In fact, the neat thing was I could do a landscape painting of the background building on the horizon and the trees that line the train tracks, which are normally blocked by the dome. You see two doors were still standing up, even though the rest of it was flopped onto the ground. The dome kind of looked like snow, you can see in the bottom right some of the huge blocks of snow on the ground.

Dome down panorama, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2025

As it got darker I realized that the light was still powered over the door, which created an eerie door-to-nowhere scene, like surrealism but this was the actual scene. With intense windchill, I had to detail these paintings at home, you can see the light on and its glow over the nearly black window. The door appeared to be buried in snow from this angle, but the snow was just piled up right in front of where I was standing. There was also a fence in the way, but I almost always omit the fence since its hard to paint it over top. What a weird set of paintings, just when I think that I have painted it all, something like this comes up! Or down...

Dome down light on, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, February 2025

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