Thursday, February 13, 2025

Snowy day for some painting outside

There was a lot of hoopla today about staying home but the snow was not too bad after all, and Montreal was plowing and scraping all day. I got around by bike most of the time just a few spots where I had to haul the bike through snow piles. This scene shows two red cars under snow, and a bench, barely visible, also under snow at Trenholme park. The LUFA vegetables were late today so there was time for more paintings.

Two red cars under snow, watercolour 6 x 7.5" cold press, February 2025

Here is a scene of West Broadway near my office, the red hydrant and cars were all covered in snow. I added the trees afterwards to all the paintings today since it would not dry on location, and there was snow coming down the whole time making the paintings a bit of a mess.

Hydrant snow day, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2025


On the right is the front bit of the De Chou restaurant, a Korean Asian fusion bistro with great food. Trenholme park is on the other side of Sherbrooke street. On a day like today, perhaps oil paints would have worked better, but I do like the rough finish of the winter watercolour paintings, it gives a real feel of a fresh dump of snow in Montreal.

De Chou restaurant snow, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2025

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