Friday, February 7, 2025

Peach and lilac sunset

Here is a view up West Broadway, there was a stunning peach and lilac sunset as seen from the spot where I lock my bike up outside of my office. It seemed like magenta, but on the horizon there was plenty of orange, which I made with PR122 and PO62 pigments. Those are two fine pigments if you ever get the chance to use them. Bright like crayons but smooth like butter. A little frosty with the wind chill. There was so much wind a piece of loose paper blew out of my saddle pack, luckily I could track it down in the snow before it blew away for good. The trees, cars and building details were added after the fact since there was no way I was going to stand out there for longer than necessary. Hopefully the weather is agreeable tomorrow, maybe I can get down to the river where the ice flows are seen. 

Peach and lilac sunset, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, February 2025

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