Monday, March 22, 2021

Somerled Avenue Reflections


The weather was so nice today I couldn't resist doing a quick painting in the late afternoon on Somerled Avenue. There is a colourful wall mural across the street at the gas station, which was reflecting in the window of the food bank depot on the corner. The building in the foreground was in shadow, the building in the middleground and the apartment off in the background were in full sun. Based on the bright yellow and green of the store in the middle, you may guess what store it is, let me give you a hint everything there costs one dollar (well actually most of the stuff is more than than that!). I replaced the name of the store with my signature PJD 21. The bricks above the PJD 21 sign were charcoal black, it was interesting to portray black bricks- they has a similar value as the white elements that were in shadows. I got it almost perfect but misjudged the lamp black a little. Lamp black looses 180% of its darkness when it dries according to (MacEvoy) which means it looks really dark when you apply it, but it dries lighter. Looking a the scan now, it seems just right though.

Somerled Av Reflections 5 x 7" cold press, watercolour, March 2021

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