Sunday, December 26, 2021

Trip Down Memory Lane to Barabados

Since Cilei's trip to the Caribbean got cancelled I thought I would take a trip down memory lane to Barbados. When the plane got close to the island it tilted to the left and I got a great view of this little speck of green emerging from the sea. I captured that memory in a world inspired landscape. This painting was the first one I made in Barbados, the sun was just about down but I was determined to make a painting. The place I was staying was right on Rockley beach also known as Accra beach.

Barbados, Rockley Beach, Seapost and Sunset, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, 2001 (No. 1170)

Barbados has a law that the beaches have to be accessible to all people, even if a resort is in the way. So I was able to walk right through this resort to get down on the beach. I used a seat and umbrella that was unoccupied. There was a structure and a staircase on the cliff side. The water was a brilliant turquoise that I captured with cerulean blue (PB35) and phthalo green (PG7), and the sand was a light coral colour. 

 Barbados, St. Philip, Crane Beach, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, 2001 (No. 1166)

 This was one of the many Caribbean views along the way. The trees were fantastic, and all the colours were so intense. I wanted every painting to have the sea in it!

Barbados, Christchurch, Hastings, Sea, Tree, Lawn, watercolour 5 x 8" cold press, 2001 (No. 1171)

 The sunsets were spectacular. Almost every night there was a post card-worthy display of colour. The clouds seemed to radiate all the colours of the rainbow. A near perfect mirror-image was produced on the sea, interrupted only by some gentle waves. There were a lot of Barbados paintings, a few of them I put in a recent blog. I would love to go back one day and see what I can paint with 20 extra years of experience.

Barbados, Rockley Beach, watercolour 5 x 7" cold press, 2001 (No. 1164)


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